Saturday, April 27, 2013

Patch Notes for HoN 3.1: The Runic Shift --- This is going to be a whole new game!


  1. what does this mean? always got so many changes.. later sure will have bug in game.. hon sucks nowadays

  2. Bigger Image please???


  3. Hon digged a hole for me ever since they redid the mmr system a year or 2 back . I never played again , just because so many new heroes appear and i just could not climb up back to my 1800 mmr with the balance and the insane amount of newb in the lower brackets.
    The game is good but soooooo flawed in so many ways , this patch wont change anything. The game is over. Dota and Lol crushed it and even the competitive Hon scene is dead , the good ppl left. When Chu left hon died.

    1. lol... funny... newb rage...

  4. HON didn't die at all. There's still 70,000 players online atany given moment

  5. This is just an example of how many things will be changing. Wait till the official release.

  6. I was surprised by the spending of influence by those listed? In actuality I would have expected it because all are interested in getting what they wanted never mind the consequences. Very useful for me I will bookmark this for my future needed.shift notes
    thanks for a great source


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