Saturday, March 16, 2013

Patch 3.0.5 Changelogs

== New Content ==

Added new Wildsoul Alt Avatar: Dr.Beebo and Loofy
Thanks to the Grimoire of PowerBeebo the chiprel and Loofy have evolved into a new warrior breed of brains & brawn! If the remote-controlled Loofy doesn't get you, Dr. Beebo's ray gun and mech suit will!
Releases 3/15/2013

Added new Moraxus Alt Avatar: Morockus
Morockus was locked for years in a bottomless pit of rock and rubble by Behemoth. Re-emerging as hard and craggy as the stone that imprisoned him, he gains weapons and a shield as his abilities increase!
Releases 3/18/2013

Added new Dampeer Alt Avatar: Duchess Dampeer
Count Dampeer was impervious to the weakness of mortals--including ridiculous love--until Duchess opened his casket and stole his heart, refusing to return it until he proposed. Now they share picnickers and couples who take long walks on the beach.
Releases 3/20/2013

Added Throwback Alt Avatars: Throwback Accursed and Throwback Blood Hunter

== Bots ==

Bots now defend buildings
When a tower, melee barracks, or main base structure is low and has enemy heroes nearby, the teambotbrain will assign heroes to defend it based on proximity and their total lethality.
Defending Bots will move toward or teleport in to defend the building, and teamchat a message about it.
Defense now prioritizes defense targets based on value.
Defense targets that are unable to be properly defended will not be defended (unless it's the only one)

Bots General
Added RhapsodyBot, a bot created by community member fane_maciuca!
fane_maciuca receives the coveted Robot Courier Award, 6400 gold coins, and his choice of Alt Avatar! Thank you!
Easy bots don't become more bold if they kill you often.
The GroupPush behavior now starts a push at 7-10 minutes in, and start again 3-6 minutes after the last push ended.

Teleport changes
Teleports will now not all be clusetered at the same location.
After 5 minutes, bots will want to purchase 2 Homecomming Stones (one for teleporting to lane, one for defensive TPs)

Fixed an issue with AmunRaBot not overriding his HealAtWellBehavior correctly, and adjusted the logic to actually work

Removed a duplicate Firebrand and Geometer's Bane from her buy list; added Wingbow

Check the Bots Forum for bot scripting patch notes

== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==

Artillery: Hitbox fixed so he gets pushed at a correct angle with push-based spells
BehemothFissure fixed so it doesn't break channel abilities incorrectly
CthulhuphantHook'em shield fixed so that the shield bar won't overflow if the target's HP exceeds 1200.
Emerald Warden: Alt Avatars fixed so that their traps have treewalking and thus they won't randomly displace themselves with the anti-stuck mechanism if they proc near trees
EmpathIllusory Veil fixed so it doesn't break channel abilities incorrectly
LegionnaireDecapitates fixed animation
LodestoneLodestone Plates fixed so they don't have one less charge than it should
Monkey KingWan Jin Slam mound fixed so it cannot be attacked
Puppet MasterVoodoo Puppet and Restoration Stone interaction fixed if you have 2 Puppets alive
SoulstealerSoul Burst has been greatly optimized
War BeastBattle Cry fixed so it does not interrupt your previously queued commands
Wildsoul: Corpse fixed so it doesn't stand still after dying while transformed

Fixed /dnd from not preventing IM's displaying in-game
Non-interrupting items and abilities will now no longer interrupt your movement, attack, or casting (e.g. Devourer's Decay will no longer cause your attack to stutter)
Kongor's minimap dot now always updates, even if your team didn't get vision of his pit
In-Game Shop: Fix for toggling the simple item view mode for the first time causing weird issues until you switched categories
Game Lobby: Fixed the kick and make ref spectator tips not disappearing when the buttons were clicked
Options: Fixed an error when changing model quality
Communicator: now checks to make sure gamechat exists before trying to send messages to it
News now uses correct effect for certain special heroes
News Fixed the news not appearing when re-logging and other situations
Communicator: Fixed modes with banning phases not properly switching to team chat
Fixed the tutorial not ending/disappearing when logging out

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