Friday, March 22, 2013

Patch 3.0.6 Changelogs

Version 3.0.6

== New Content ==

Added new Early Access Hero: Prisoner 945
Prisoner 945 led the ground forces of the Titan Rebellion and was imprisoned by Jeraziah in the dungeons of The Capital. He is released in this desperate hour to battle the Hellbourne, but only his actions on the battlefield will finally free him from his chains.
Releases 3/22/2013

Added new new Prisoner 945 Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: Baaracko
Baaracko commanded the ships of the Titan Rebellion and was imprisoned by Jeraziah in the underwater cells of Blind Man’s Harbor. Now the Legion needs him in the fight against the daemons, and Baaracko will shatter his remaining bonds along with the enemy!
Releases 3/22/2013
Added new Prisoner 945 Premium Alt Avatar: Brutavious
Brutavious led the Titan Rebellion against Jeraziah and lost to the King in single combat, earning a Holy Cell beneath Arasunia. Now Jeraziah offers the Titans freedom in return for service against the Hellbourne, but will they seek redemption or revenge?
Releases 3/22/2013

Added new Parasite Alt Avatar: Facehugger
There are many among the Hellbourne who keep their distance from the vile Parasites, and all of the Parasites avoid the Facehuggers. These horrors latch onto Parasite larvae and mutate them into slithering monsters with one purpose: brutally efficient infestation and control of any living being.
Releases 3/22/2013

Added new Plague Rider Alt Avatar: Leper
The daemon known as Leper was a doctor when the First Corruption occurred, and he believed infecting humans—himself included—with wasting diseases would protect them from the Hellbourne. Now mad with pain, he has forsaken his healing oath as he rides his massive vulture infecting and feeding upon the Legion.
Releases 3/25/2013

Added new Myrmidon Alt Avatar: Walradon
During the Titan Rebellion, Baaracko made a vow to the mighty Walradons. In return for their service, he would provide the magic to grant them legs so they could protect their frozen seas and icebergs from poachers. Now they walk and swim beside Baaracko on the front lines, harvesting daemon skins.
Releases 3/27/2013

Added new Kraken Alt Avatar: Gnarwhal Kraken
Among the Gnarwhal, status is determined by how many harpoons a warrior carries embedded in his hide. When Baaracko recruited the fearless beasts during the Titan’s Rebellion, the Gnarwhal saw an opportunity for many harpoons—and now that Baaracko is free, they join him once again to make the waters run red.
Releases 3/29/2013

Added new Nymphora Alt Avatar: Fat Nymphora
Round is a very aerodynamic shape, and...hold on, gotta catch my breath...and Fat Nymphora is deceptively graceful...whew...for his size...oh man...and socks with sandals is the next hotness, you watch. So...woo...just go play.
Releases 4/1/2013
Added new Flint Beastwood Alt Avatar: Tommy Two Guns
So you think these other goons pack serious heat, do ya? Well Tommy Two Guns is in town, see, and now these cake eaters are up against a real hard-boiled trigger man who’s gonna give ‘em the big sleep, see?
Releases 4/3/2013

Added new Tempest Alt Avatar: Deconstructor Tempest
Warriors from other worlds and dimensions have felt the tremors caused by the Legion’s epic clash with the Hellbourne, and now they flock to Newerth to gain their glory. Deconstructor Tempest has traveled millions of light years to join the battle, and he will not leave until his trophy case is full!
This avatar is being released in partnership with Logitech. Stay tuned for details on how to acquire this amazing avatar!

== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==

BombardierSticky Bomb lifetime changed from 10000ms to 8200ms so it more closely matches the actual duration
BombardierSticky Bomb icon now updates properly when Sticky Bomb is purged off of an enemy
BombardierSticky Bomb icon now updates properly when Sticky Bomb is killed on the ground
ChipperSawblade Showdown fixed so enemies can no longer be denied by their teamates
GeminiTwin Fangs fixed so Gemini can't cast spells while invulnerable (prevents early casting of his ultimate while invulnerable, for example)
GrinexRift Stalk fixed so that the total invisibility duration is 9 seconds (instead of 8.5 seconds after the fade time reduction buff)
Master of ArmsAcid Bomb fixed so enemies can no longer be denied by their teamates
ParasiteInfest fix that caused a same frame bug with Parasite dying
Astrolabe: Now shows the proper 600 range when mousing over the item
Null Stone: Fixed multiple Null Stones so that the blue glow visual won't stack up, creating a very thick blue sphere around your hero.

Mac systems with multiple GPUs now use significantly less memory (up to 600MB)
The chat window now sits below the shop
Added an alert for Mac users when using the wrong display with OpenGL
Fixed the "Disabled - Owned By ~~~~~" text on item tooltips getting clipped with long names.
Optimized the Alt Avatar List
Fixed typos with other generic dialog boxes that would prevent the right button from disappearing when there is no text

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